वैशिष्ट्यीकृत पोस्ट

साइना नेहवाल

साइना नेहवाल
राष्ट्रीय बैडमिंटन महिला खिलाड़ी

साइना नेहवाल (जन्म:१७ मार्च १९९०) भारतीय बैडमिंटन खिलाड़ी हैं। वर्तमान में वह दुनिया की शीर्ष वरीयता प्राप्त महिला बैडमिंटन खिलाडी हैं तथा इस मुकाम तक पहुँचने वाली वे प्रथम भारतीय महिला हैं। साथ ही एक महीने में तीसरी बार प्रथम वरीयता पाने वाली भी वो अकेली महिला खिलाडी हैं। लंदन ओलंपिक २०१२ मे साइना ने इतिहास रचते हुए बैडमिंटन की महिला एकल स्पर्धा में कांस्य पदक हासिल किया। बैडमिंटन मे ऐसा करने वाली वे भारत की पहली खिलाड़ी हैं। २००८ में बीजिंग में आयोजित हुए ओलंपिक खेलों मे भी वे क्वार्टर फाइनल तक पहुँची थी। वह बीडबल्युएफ विश्व कनिष्ठ प्रतियोगिता जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय हैं। वर्तमान में वह शीर्ष महिला भारतीय बैडमिंटन खिलाड़ी हैं और भारतीय बैडमिंटन लीग में अवध वैरियर्स की तरफ से खेलती हैं।
साइना नेहवाल
Saina Nehwal in 2011.jpg
व्यक्तिगत जानकारी
जन्म नाम
साइना नेहवाल
17 मार्च 1990 (आयु 28)
हिसार, हरियाणा
हैदराबाद, तेलंगाना
1.65 मी॰ (5 फीट 5 इंच)
60 किलो (130 एलबी)
Flag of India.svg भारत
हाथ का इस्तेमाल
दायाँ हाथ
महिला एकल
उच्चतम वरीयता
१ (२३ मई २०१५)
वर्तमान वरीयता
१ (१६ अगस्त २०१५)
22(सुपर सीरीज और ग्रैंड प्रिक्स)
पदक अभिलेख
महिला बैडमिंटन
Flag of India.svg भारत के प्रत्याशी
ओलंपिक खेल
कांस्य लंदन २०१२ महिला एकल
एशियाई प्रतियोगिता
कांस्य २०१० नई दिल्ली महिला एकल
उबर कप
कांस्य २०१४ नई दिल्ली टीम
एशियाई खेल
कांस्य २०१४ ईंचियॉन महिला टीम
राष्ट्रमण्डल खेल
स्वर्ण २०१० नई दिल्ली महिला एकल
रजत २०१० नई दिल्ली मिश्रित टीम
कांस्य २००६ मेलबॉर्न मिश्रित टीम
विश्व कनिष्ठ बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता
स्वर्ण २००८ पुणे लङकियों का एकल
रजत २००६ ईंचियॉन लङकियों का एकल
राष्ट्रमण्डल युवा खेल
स्वर्ण २००८ पुने लङकियों का एकल
रजत २००४ बेंडिगो मिश्रित टीम
(बीडबल्युएफ प्रालेख) बीडबल्युएफ प्रालेख
Updated on 17 सितम्बर 2015 के अनुसार .

साइना भारत सरकार द्वारा पद्म श्री और सर्वोच्च खेल पुरस्कार राजीव गाँधी खेल रत्न पुरस्कार से सम्मानित हो चुकीं हैं।

साइना का जन्म १७ मार्च १९९० को हिसार, हरियाणा के एक जाट परिवार मे हुआ था। इनके पिता का नाम डॉ॰ हरवीर सिंह नेहवाल और माता का नाम उषा नेहवाल है। साइना साईं के नाम से बना है।[4] सायना ने शुरुआती प्रशि‍क्षण हैदराबाद के लाल बहादुर स्‍टेडि‍यम, हैदराबाद में कोच नानी प्रसाद से प्राप्त कि‍या। माता-पि‍ता दोनो के बैडमिंटन खि‍लाड़ी होने के कारण सायना का बैडमिंटन की ओर रुझान शुरु से ही था। पि‍ता हरवीर सिंह ने बेटी की रुचि को देखते हुए उसे पूरा सहयोग और प्रोत्‍साहन दि‍या।

सायना अब तक कई बड़ी उपलब्धियाँ अपने नाम कर चुकी हैं। वे विश्व कनिष्ठ बैडमिंटन विजेता रह चुकी हैं। ओलिम्पिक खेलों में महिला एकल बैडमिंटन का काँस्य पदक जीतने वाली वे देश की पहली महिला खिलाड़ी हैं। उन्‍होंने 2006 में एशि‍याई सैटलाइट प्रतियोगिता भी जीती है।

उन्होंने 2009 में इंडोनेशिया ओपन जीतते हुए सुपर सीरीज़ बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता का खिताब अपने नाम किया, यह उपलब्धि उनसे पहले किसी अन्य भारतीय महिला को हासिल नहीं हुई थी। दिल्ली में आयोजित राष्ट्रमंडल खेल में उन्होंने स्वर्ण पदक हासिल किया।

वर्ष 2015 में नई दिल्ली को योनेक्स सनराइज इंडिया ओपन सुपर सीरीज बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता के सेमीफाइनल में विश्व चैम्पियन जापान की युई हाशिमोतो को 44 मिनट में 21-15,21-11 से हराने के साथ ही दुनिया की शीर्ष वरीय खिलाड़ी बनी और फाइनल मैच में थाईलैंड की रत्चानोक इंतानोन को हराकर 29 मार्च 2015 को योनेक्स सनराइज इंडिया ओपन सुपर सीरीज बैडमिंटन टूर्नामेंट की महिला एकल ख़िताब की विजेता बनीं।

अप्रैल २०१५ में आधिकारिक रूप से उनकी विश्व रैंकिंग १ घोषित की गई। इस मुकाम तक पहुँचने वाली वे प्रथम भारतीय महिला बैडमिंटन खिलाड़ी हैं।
पेशेवर जीवन:

2006 में, सायना अंडर 19 राष्ट्रीय चैंपियन बनी और दो बार प्रतिष्ठित एशियन सैटेलाइट बैडमिंटन टूर्नामेंट (इंडिया चैप्टर) जीतकर इतिहास बनाया। वह ऐसा करने वाली पहली खिलाड़ी बनी। 2006 में वह एक 4 सितारा टूर्नामेंट, फिलीपींस ओपन जीतने वाली दूसरे भारतीय महिला बनीं और तभी से वह वैश्विक परिदृश्य पर छा गयीं। 86 वें वरीयता वाली सायना ने टूर्नामेंट में प्रवेश कर, खिताब के लिए मलेशिया की जूलिया वोंग पेई जियान को हराने से पहले दुनिया की नंबर चार जू हुआवे और कई शीर्ष वरीयता प्राप्त खिलाड़ियों को अचेत करती चली गयी। उसी वर्ष सायना शीर्ष वरीय चीनी खिलाडी वांग यिहान के खिलाफ एक कठिन लड़ाई लड़ी लेकिन हार गए और 2006 बीडब्ल्युएफ विश्व कनिष्ठ बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता की उपविजेता बनीं। वह नौवीं वरीयता प्राप्त जापानी सायाका सातो को 21-9 21-18 हरा कर 2008 विश्व कनिष्ठ बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय बनीं।

एक बेहद ही रोमांचक तीन गेम के मुकाबले में चतुर्थ वरीय विश्व की पाँचवीं श्रेष्ठ खिलाडी हाँग काँग की वाँग चेन को हराकर ओलम्पिक खेल के क़्वार्टर फाइनल में पहुचने वाली वो प्रथम भारतीय महिला बैडमिंटन खिलाडी बन गयीं। क़्वार्टर फाइनल में वह १६वीं वरीयता प्राप्त मारिया क्रिस्टीन युलिआंती से एक बेहद कड़े मुकाबले में हार गयीं। सितम्बर २००८ में उन्होंने मलेशिया की लीदिया चिया ली या को 21–8 21–19 से हराकर योनेक्स चाईनीज़ ताईपे ओपेन का खिताब जीता।। साइना को २००८ में मोस्ट प्रॉमिसिंग प्लेयर का खिताब दिया गया। इसके बाद दिसम्बर २००८ में वह विश्व सुपर सीरीज़ के सेमीफाइनल तक पहुँच गयीं।

२१ जून २००९ को इंडोनेशिया ओपन जीतकर वह विश्व की सबसे प्रतिष्ठित बी डब्ल्यु एफ सुपर सीरीज जीतने वाली पहली महिला भारतीय खिलाडी बन गयीं।[8] उन्होंने फाइनल में चीन की वाँग लिन को १२-२१, २१-१८, २१-९ से हराया।

साइना ने सफलतापूर्वक 2010 उबर कप फाइनल के क्वार्टर फाइनल चरण के लिए भारतीय महिला टीम का नेतृत्व किया। साइना विजेता टिने रासमुसेन से हारने से पहले 2010 आल इंग्लैंड सुपर सीरीज के सेमीफाइनल में पहुंचने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला बनीं। शीर्ष वरीयता प्राप्त साइना योनेक्स सनराइज बैडमिंटन एशिया चैंपियनशिप 2010 में चीन की गैरवरीय खिलाड़ी ली झुइरुई से हारने से पहले सेमीफाइनल तक पहुंच गईं। साइना के कोच गोपीचंद ने उन्हें घरेलू दर्शकों के भारी समर्थन का खुद पर बहुत अधिक दबाव ना लेने की सलाह दी। साइना ने मलेशिया की वोंग मिउ चू को 2010 इंडिया ओपन ग्रां प्री गोल्ड में हराकर टूर्नामेंट में अपनी शीर्ष वरीयता को न्यायोचित ठहरा दिया। इस बीडब्ल्युएफ ग्रां प्री गोल्ड टूर्नामेंट को जीतकर उन्होंने $ 8280 के पुरस्कार राशि जीत ली। नेहवाल सिंगापुर ओपन सुपर सीरीज 2010 में फिर से नंबर 1 वरीयता प्राप्त कर चीन की विश्व चैंपियन लू लान को हराकर फाइनल में प्रवेश किया। साइना ने सिंगापुर ओपन के फाइनल में चीनी ताइपे की क्वालीफायर ताई जू यिंग को 21-18, 21-15 से हराकर अपने कैरियर का दूसरा सुपर सीरीज खिताब जीता। साइना ने इस बीडब्ल्युएफ सुपर सीरीज टूर्नामेंट को जीतकर 15,000 डॉलर की पुरस्कार राशि जीत ली और अपने कैरियर की शीर्ष वरीयता ३ पर पहुँच गयी। साइना ने जापान की सयाका सातो को एक कठिन खेल में 21-19 / 13-21 / 21-11 से हराकर अपने इंडोनेशिया ओपन सुपर सीरीज खिताब का बचाव किया। यह उनका तीसरा सुपर सीरीज़ खिताब और इंडियन ओपन, सिंगापुर सुपर सीरीज के बाद लगातार तीसरा खिताब था। उन्हे फिर से इस बीडब्ल्युएफ सुपर सीरीज टूर्नामेंट को जीतने के लिए $ 18,750 की शीर्ष पुरस्कार राशि मिली। 15 जुलाई 2010 को 64,791.26 अंक के साथ साइना नेहवाल केवल चीन की वांग यिहान से पीछे नंबर 2 पर अपने कैरियर के उच्चतम वरीयता पर पहुंच गईं। दूसरी वरीयता प्राप्त साइना टूर्नामेंट में पसंदीदा खिलाडी थी लेकिन सीधे सेटों में 8-21, 14-21 से चौथी वरीयता प्राप्त चीन की वांग शीझियान से हारकर पेरिस में हो रहे 2010 बीडब्ल्युएफ विश्व प्रतियोगिता से बाहर हो गईं। हालांकि उन्होंने इस टूर्नामेंट में हैदराबाद में खेले गये अपने पिछले सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन की बराबरी की लेकिन इस हार के बाद विश्व वरीयता में नंबर 3 पर पहुँच गईं।

२२ वर्ष की उम्र में अपने स्विस ओपन खिताब की सफलता पूर्वक रक्षा करते हुए साइना ने फाइनल में चीन की विश्व में दूसरी वरीयता प्राप्त खिलाडी वांग शिझियान को २१-१९, २१-१६ से हराया। १० जून २०१२ को उन्होंने थाइलैंड की रत्चानोक इंथेनॉन को १९-२१, २१-१५, २१-१० से हराकर थाइलैंड ओपेन ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड खिताब अपने नाम किया। इसी वर्ष वह मलेशिया ओपन के सेमीफाइनल और कोरिया ओपन के क़्वार्टर फाइनल में पहुँची थी। अपने तीसरे इंडोनेशिया ओपन सुपर सीरीज़ खिताब को जीतते हुए उन्होंने जून में विश्व की नंबर ३ खिलाडी ली झुइरुई को फाइनल में 13–21, 22–20 21–19 से हराया। इस वर्ष की उनकी सबसे बडी सफलता ४ अगस्त २०१२ को २०१२ लंदन ओलम्पिक के महिला एकल के काँस्य पदक के रूप में सामने आई जब चीन की उनकी प्रतिद्वंदी वांग झिन ने चोट लगने की वजह से बीच मैच में अपना नाम वापस ले लिया। इसके बाद अक्टूबर में जर्मनी की जुलियान को फाइनल में हराकर उन्होंने डेनमार्क ओपेन खिताब भी जीता।

२६ जनवरी २०१४ को विश्व प्रतियोगिता की काँस्य पदक विजेता पी वी सिंधु को हराकर साइना इंडिया ओपन ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड की विजेता बनी। मार्च २०१४ में विश्व की चौथी वरीयता प्राप्त साइना चीन की वांग शिझियान से क़्वार्टर फाइनल में हारकर २०१० की आल इंगलैंड सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर से बाहर हो गई। २०१४ की ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपेन सुपर सीरीज़ के सेमीफाइनल में शिझियान को हराकर उन्होंने आल इंगलैंड में हुई हार का बदला ले लिया। फाइनल में स्पेन की कैरोलिना मरीन को २१-१८, २१-११ से हराकर साइना ने ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपेन सुपर सीरीज़ का खिताब अपने नाम कर लिया। इस जीत से वह विश्व में सातवें पायदान पर पहुँच गईं। इसी तरह से चाइना ओपन सुपर सीरीज़ प्रीमियर में जापान की अकाने यामागुची को २१-१२, २२-२० से हराकर यह खिताब जीतने वाली वह पहली भारतीय महिला खिलाड़ी बनीं।

स्पेन की कैरोलीना मरीन को फाइनल में 19-21, 25-23, 21-16 से हराकर पिछली विजेता साइना ने 2015 का इंडिया ओपन ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड खिताब जीत लिया। इसके ठीक पहले आल इंगलैंड बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता के फाइनल में पहुँचने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला बनते हुए साइना कैरोलिना से ही फाइनल में 21-16, 14-21, 7-21 से हार गयी थीं। २९ मार्च २०१५ को थाइलैंड की रत्चानोक को इंडियन ओपन सुपर सीरीज़ के फाइनल में हराकर वह विश्व की शीर्ष वरीय महिला बैडमिंटन खिलाड़ी बन गईं।

सायना नेहवाल ने 21वें राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में अंतिम दिन रविवार को महिला एकल वर्ग का स्वर्ण पदक अपने नाम किया। सायना ने फाइनल में हमवतन पी.वी सिंधु को मात दी। ऐसे में इस स्पर्धा का रजत पदक भी भारत को ही मिला है। सायना ने भारत की झोली में 26वां स्वर्ण पदक[20] जीता! सायना ऐसे में राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में दो स्वर्ण पदक जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय महिला बैडमिंटन खिलाड़ी बन गई हैं।
पेशेवर उपलब्धियाँ:
एकल खेलीं जीती हारी अंतर
कुल 442 315 127 +188
वर्तमान वर्ष 18 सितम्बर 2015 के अनुसार  36 29 7 +22

युगल खेलीं जीती हारी अंतर
कुल 33 9 24 −15
वर्तमान वर्ष 18 सितम्बर 2015 के अनुसार  0 0 0 0
प्रतियोगिता 2008
ग्रीष्मकालीन ओलम्पिक क्वार्टर फ़ाइनल 3 कांस्य
प्रतियोगिता 2006
राष्ट्रमंडल खेल 3 कांस्य 1 स्वर्ण
प्रतियोगिता 2004
राष्ट्रमंडल युवा खेल 2 रजत 1 स्वर्ण

एकल प्रतियोगिताएँ
प्रकार कुल खिताब
सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर 5
सुपर सीरीज 4
ग्रैंड प्रिक्स & गोल्ड 7
कुल 16

पुरस्कार राशि:

18 सितम्बर 2015 के अनुसार
आयोजन कुल राशि
एकल $ 570610.00
युगल $ 1068.75
एकल में उपलब्धियाँसंपादित करें

    अनु. = अनुपस्थित
    क़्वा. फा. = क्वार्टर फाइनल
    सेफा = सेमी फाइनल

प्रतियोगिता 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015   जीत/कुल    जीत-हार जीत % श्रेष्ठ
बीडबल्युएफ सुपर सीरीज
दक्षिण कोरिया कोरिया ओपन सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर अनु. अनु. चरण 2 अनु. चरण 2 क़्वा. फा. क़्वा. फा. अनु. 0/4 4-3 क्वार्टर फाइनल (2012, 2013)
मलेशिया मलेशिया ओपन सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर अनु. अनु. चरण 1 क़्वा. फा. अनु. सेफा सेफा चरण 2 सेफा 0/6 सेफा(2012, 2013)
इंग्लैण्ड ऑल इंगलैंड सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर चरण 2 चरण 1 चरण 1 सेफा क़्वा. फा. क़्वा. फा. सेफा क़्वा. फा. उपविजेता 0/8 उपविजेता(2015)
भारत इंडिया सुपर सीरीज लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं चरण 1 चरण 2 चरण 2 क़्वा. फा. विजेता 1/5 विजेता(2015)
इंडोनेशिया इंडोनेशिया सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर अनु. चरण 2 विजेता विजेता उपविजेता विजेता सेफा क़्वा. फा. क़्वा. फा. 3/8 विजेता(2009,2010,2012)
सिंगापुर सिंगापुर सुपर सीरीज अनु. सेफा क़्वा. फा. विजेता चरण 2 अनु. क़्वा. फा. चरण 1 अनु. 1/6 विजेता(2010)
चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य चाइना मास्टर्स सुपर सीरीज अनु. सेफा अनु. अनु. क़्वा. फा. अनु. अनु. लागू नहीं 0/2 सेमी फाइनल (2008)
जापान जापान ओपन सुपर सीरीज अनु. चरण 1 चरण 1 अनु. सेफा अनु. अनु. अनु. 0/3 सेमी फाइनल (2011)
ऑस्ट्रेलिया ऑस्ट्रेलियन ओपन लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं विजेता क़्वा. फा. 1/2 विजेता(2014)
डेनमार्क डेनमार्क ओपन सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर चरण 1 अनु. क़्वा. फा. अनु. चरण 2 विजेता क़्वा. फा. क़्वा. फा. 1/4 विजेता(2012)
फ़्रान्स फ्रेंच सुपर सीरीज अनु. अनु. क़्वा. फा. अनु. चरण 2 उपविजेता चरण 2 क़्वा. फा. 0/3 उपविजेता (2012)
चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य चाइना ओपन सुपर सीरीज प्रीमियर चरण 1 चरण 1 चरण 2 अनु. चरण 1 अनु. चरण 2 विजेता 1/4 विजेता (2014)
हॉन्ग कॉन्ग हाँगकाँग ओपन सुपर सीरीज चरण 1 क़्वा. फा. चरण 1 विजेता क़्वा. फा. चरण 2 चरण 2 1/5 विजेता (2010)
बीडब्ल्युएफ सुपर सीरीज मास्टर्स फाइनल्स लागू नहीं सेफा अनु. उपविजेता सेफा सेफा उपविजेता (2011)
बीडब्ल्युएफ विश्व प्रतियोगिता लागू नहीं क़्वा. फा. क़्वा. फा. क़्वा. फा. लागू नहीं क़्वा. फा. क़्वा. फा. क्वार्टर फाइनल (2009,2010,2011,2013,2014)
बीडब्ल्युएफ ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड और ग्रैंड प्रिक्स
स्विट्ज़रलैंड स्विस ओपन ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड चरण 1 चरण 2 क़्वा. फा. अनु. विजेता विजेता सेफा क़्वा. फा. 2/6 विजेता (2011,2012)
थाईलैण्ड थाईलैंड ओपन चरण 1 क़्वा. फा. अनु. क़्वा. फा. विजेता क़्वा. फा. लागू नहीं विजेता (2012)
मलेशिया मलेशिया ओपन ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड लागू नहीं लागू नहीं क़्वा. फा. उपविजेता उपविजेता (2011)
भारत इंडिया ओपन ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड लागू नहीं चरण 2 विजेता विजेता लागू नहीं लागू नहीं लागू नहीं विजेता विजेता विजेता (2009,2010,2014,2015)
वर्षांत में वरीयता 8 4 4 3 8
श्रेष्ठ खिलाडियों के खिलाफ प्रदर्शन:

सुपर सीरीज के फाइनल में पहुँचने वाले खिलाडी, विश्व स्तरीय प्रतियोगिता के सेमीफाइनल में पहुँचने वाले खिलाडी और ओलम्पिक के क्वार्टर फाइनल में पहुँचने वाले खिलाडियों के विरुद्ध प्रदर्शन[22](8 मार्च 2015 तक)
खिलाफ रिकॉर्ड खिलाफ रिकॉर्ड खिलाफ रिकॉर्ड खिलाफ रिकॉर्ड
स्पेन कैरोलिना मारिन 3–2 चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य वैंग यिहान 3–9 चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य वैंग झिन 3–4 चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य जिआंग यानजिओ 0–5
चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य ली शुईरुई 2–9 चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य वैंग लिन 2–4 चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य लु लान 4–1 चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य झी झिंगफैंग 0–2
चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य झाँग निंग 0–1 डेनमार्क टिन रासमुसन 5–4 जर्मनी जुलिआन शेंक 8–4 चीनी ताइपे चेंग शाओ ची 3–1
चीनी ताइपे ताई जू इंग 5–4 दक्षिण कोरिया बे युन जू 7-4 दक्षिण कोरिया सुंग जी ह्युन 5-1 जापान एरिको हिरोजे 4–4
जापान सयाका सातो 4–1 जापान मिनात्सु मितानी 5-3 बुल्गारिया पेट्या नेडेलकेवा 6–2 फ़्रान्स पी हॉंगयान 1–5
हॉन्ग कॉन्ग यिप पुइ इन 6–2 हॉन्ग कॉन्ग झोउ मी 1–3 हॉन्ग कॉन्ग वांग चेन 1–3 मलेशिया वौंग म्यु चू 3–2
थाईलैण्ड पोर्न्टिप बुरानाप्रेजरत्सुक 7–1 थाईलैण्ड रत्चानोक इंथेनॉन 6–3 इंडोनेशिया मारिया क्रिस्टिन युलिआँति 0–1 चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य वाँग शिझियान 6-7
बेल्जियम लियान टैन 1–0 रूस एल्ला डेहल 5–0 युक्रेन लारिसा ग्रिगा 1–0 भारत पी वी सिंधु 1–0
2008 ग्रीष्मकालीन ओलम्पिकसंपादित करें
चरण प्रतिद्वंदी परिणाम कुल खेल अंक
पहला चरण एल्ला डेहल जीती 2–0 21–9, 21–8
दूसरा चरण लारिसा ग्रिगा जीती 2–0 21–18, 21–10
तीसरा चरण वांग चेन जीती 2–1 21–19, 11–21, 21–11
क्वार्टर फाइनल मारिया क्रिस्टीन युलिआंती हार गयी 1–2 28–26, 14–21, 15–21

2012 ग्रीष्मकालीन ओलम्पिक:
चरण प्रतिद्वंदी परिणाम कुल खेल अंक
समूह (ग्रुप स्टेज) Flag of Switzerland.svg स्विट्ज़रलैंड जैक्वेट ( ओलम्पिक में।) जीती 2–0 21–9, 21–4
समूह (ग्रुप स्टेज) Flag of Belarus.svg बेलारूस लियान टैन ( ओलम्पिक में।) जीती 2–0 21–4, 21–14
प्री क्वार्टरफाइनल Flag of the Netherlands.svg नीदरलैंड याओ जी ( ओलम्पिक में।) जीती 2–0 21–14, 21–16
क्वार्टरफाइनल Flag of Denmark.svg डेनमार्क टाइन बाउन ( ओलम्पिक में।) जीती 2–0 21–15, 22–20
सेमी फाइनल Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य वाँग यिहान ( ओलम्पिक में।) हारी 0–2 13–21, 13–21
काँस्य पदक के लिये Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg चीनी जनवादी गणराज्य वाँग झिन ( ओलम्पिक में।) जीती 0–1 18–21, 0–1 मैच छोडा।
अन्य सफलताएँसंपादित करें
प्रतियोगिता वर्ष परिणाम
चेक गणराज्य चेकोस्लोवाकिया कनिष्ठ प्रतियोगिता 2003 1 स्वर्ण
भारत एशियाई सैटेलाइट बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता 2005 1 स्वर्ण
फ़िलीपीन्स फिलीपीन्स ओपन 2006 1 स्वर्ण
भारत एशियाई सैटेलाइट बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता 2006 1 स्वर्ण
भारत भारतीय राष्ट्रीय बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता 2007 1 स्वर्ण
भारत भारत के राष्ट्रीय खेल 2007 1 स्वर्ण
चीनी ताइपे 2008 चीनी ताइपे ओपन ग्रैंड प्रिक्स गोल्ड 2008 1 स्वर्ण
भारत भारतीय राष्ट्रीय बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता 2008 1 स्वर्ण
भारत2010 बैडमिंटन एशिया चैम्पियनशिप 2010 3 कांस्य

    अर्जुन पुरस्कार (2009)
    राजीव गाँधी खेल रत्न पुरस्कार (2009–2010)
    पद्म श्री (2010)

२०१२ लदंन ओलम्पिक में काँस्य पदक के लिए -

    १ करोण रूपए हरियाणा सरकार की तरफ से।[ट
    ५० लाख रूपए राजस्थान सरकार की तरफ से।
    ५० लाख रूपए आँध्र प्रदेश सरकार की तरफ से।
    १० लाख रूपए भारतीय बैडमिंटन संघ की तरफ से।
    मंगलायतन विश्वविद्दालय की तरफ से डॉक्टरेट की मानक उपाधी।
Saina Nehwal

Saina Nehwal (About this soundpronunciation  (help·info), born 17 March 1990) is an Indian professional badminton singles player. A former world no. 1, she has won over 24 international titles, which include eleven Superseries titles. Although she reached the world's 2nd in the 2009, it was only in 2015 that she was able to attain the world no. 1 ranking, thereby becoming the only female player from India and overall the second Indian player – after Prakash Padukone – to achieve this feat. She has represented India three times in the Olympics, winning a bronze medal in her second appearance.
Saina Nehwal

Nehwal in 2011
Personal information
Birth name
Saina Nehwal
17 March 1990 (age 28)
Hissar, Haryana, India
Hyderabad, India
1.65 m (5 ft 5 in)
65 kg (143 lb)
Pullela Gopichand
Women's singles
Career record
414 Win, 177 Loss
Career title(s)
Highest ranking
1 (2 April 2015)
Current ranking
9 (22 January 2019)
Medal record
Women's badminton
Representing  India
Olympic Games
Bronze medal – third place 2012 London Women's singles
World Championships
Silver medal – second place 2015 Jakarta Women's singles
Bronze medal – third place 2017 Glasgow Women's singles
Uber Cup
Bronze medal – third place 2014 New Delhi Women's team
Bronze medal – third place 2016 Kunshan Women's team
Commonwealth Games
Gold medal – first place 2018 Gold Coast Women's singles
Gold medal – first place 2018 Gold Coast Mixed team
Gold medal – first place 2010 New Delhi Women's singles
Silver medal – second place 2010 New Delhi Mixed team
Bronze medal – third place 2006 Melbourne Mixed team
Asian Games
Bronze medal – third place 2014 Incheon Women's team
Bronze medal – third place 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Women's singles
Asian Championships
Bronze medal – third place 2010 New Delhi Women's singles
Bronze medal – third place 2016 Wuhan Women's singles
Bronze medal – third place 2018 Wuhan Women's singles
World Junior Championships
Gold medal – first place 2008 Pune Girls' singles
Silver medal – second place 2006 Incheon Girls' singles
Commonwealth Youth Games
Gold medal – first place 2008 Pune Girls' singles
Silver medal – second place 2004 Bendigo Mixed team
BWF profile

Nehwal has achieved several milestones in badminton for India. She is the only Indian to have won at least one medal in every BWF major individual event, namely the Olympics, the BWF World Championships, and the BWF World Junior Championships. She is the first Indian badminton player to have won an Olympic medal, along with being the only Indian to have won the BWF World Junior Championships or to have reached to the final of the BWF World Championships. In 2006, Nehwal became the first Indian female and the youngest Asian to win a 4-star tournament. She also has the distinction of being the first Indian to win a Super Series title. In the 2014 Uber Cup, she captained the Indian team and remained undefeated, helping India to win bronze medal. It was India's first medal in any BWF major team event. Nehwal became the first Indian to win two singles gold medals (2010 and 2018) in Commonwealth Games.

Considered one of the most successful Indian sportspersons, she is credited for increasing the popularity of badminton in India. In 2016, the Government of India (GoI) conferred the Padma Bhushan – India's third highest civilian award – on her. Previously, the nation's top two sporting honours, namely the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna and the Arjuna Award, were also conferred on her by the Government of India. Nehwal is a philanthropist and was ranked 18th on the list of most charitable athletes.
Personal life:

Saina Nehwal, the second daughter of Dr. Harvir Singh Nehwal and Usha Rani Nehwal, was born in Hisar. She has only one sibling, an elder sister named Chandranshu Nehwal. Her father, who has a PhD in agricultural science, worked at Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University. She completed her first few years of schooling at Campus School CCS HAU, Hisar. She did her Xll from St. Ann's College for Women at Mehdipatnam in Hyderabad.

When her father was promoted and transferred from Haryana to Hyderabad, she took up badminton at the age of eight to express herself as she did not know the local language to socialise with other kids. Her parents played badminton for a number of years. Her mother, Usha Rani, was a state level badminton player in Haryana. Nehwal took up badminton to fulfill her mother's dream of becoming a national level badminton player, while her sister played volleyball. Her father, who was among the top players in the university circuit, used his provident fund to invest in good badminton training for her. Nehwal also has a brown belt in karate.

She and her family still speak the Haryanvi language at home. She is a fan of Shahrukh Khan and Prabhas. She is in the process of opening a badminton academy in her native state of Haryana.

She married fellow Badminton player, Parupalli Kashyap in a private ceremony on December 14, 2018.

In 2006, Nehwal became the under-19 national champion and created history by winning the prestigious Asian Satellite Badminton tournament (India Chapter) twice, becoming the first player to do so. In May 2006, at age 16, she became the first Indian woman and the youngest player from Asia to win a 4-star tournament – the Philippines Open. Entering the tournament as the 86th seed, she went on to stun several top seeded players including the then world number four Xu Huaiwen before defeating Julia Wong Pei Xian of Malaysia for the title. The same year Nehwal was also the runner up at the 2006 BWF World Junior Championships, where she lost a hard fought match against top seed Chinese Wang Yihan. She did one better in the 2008 by becoming the first Indian to win the World Junior Badminton Championships by defeating ninth seeded Japanese Sayaka Sato 21–9, 21–18.

She became the first Indian woman to reach the quarter finals at the Olympic Games when she upset world number five and fourth seed Wang Chen of Hong Kong in a three-game thriller. In the quarter-finals Nehwal lost a nail biting 3-gamer to world number 16 Maria Kristin Yulianti. In September 2008, she won the Yonex Chinese Taipei Open 2008 beating Lydia Cheah Li Ya of Malaysia 21–8 21–19. Maria Yulianti had earlier lost her quarter-final match to Pia Bernadet, Nehwal's semi-final opponent, thus denying Nehwal a rematch. Nehwal was named "The Most Promising Player" in 2008. She reached the world super series semifinals in the month of December 2008.

In June 2009, she became the first Indian to win a BWF Super Series title, the most prominent badminton series of the world by winning the Indonesia Open. She beat Chinese Wang Lin in the final 12–21, 21–18, 21–9. Nehwal on winning the tournament said, "I had been longing to win a super series tournament since my quarter final appearance at the Olympics". She is on a par with the likes of Prakash Padukone and her mentor Pullela Gopichand who both won the all England championships which are of similar status to the super series. In August 2009, she reached to the quarterfinals of the World Championships, losing to the second seed Wang Lin.

Nehwal successfully led the Indian Women's Team to the Quarter-finals stage of the 2010 Uber Cup finals. She became the first Indian woman to reach the semi finals of 2010 All-England Super Series before losing to eventual champion Tine Rasmussen. Top seeded Nehwal reached the semifinals of Yonex Sunrise Badminton Asia Championships 2010, losing out to unseeded eventual champion Li Xuerui of China. Her coach Gopichand advised her not exert too much pressure on herself due to the overwhelming home crowd support. Nehwal won the 2010 India Open Grand Prix Gold, beating Wong Mew Choo of Malaysia in the final and thus justifying her billing as top seed in the tournament. She won a prize of $8,280 for winning this BWF Grand Prix Gold tournament. Nehwal, again seeded no.1 in the Singapore Open Super Series 2010, entered the finals defeating World champion Lu Lan of China. Nehwal won the second Super Series title of her career by beating qualifier Tai Tzu-Ying of Chinese Taipei in the final of the Singapore Open 21–18, 21–15. But the fact that she won the tournament in the absence of all the top 5 ranked players took a little sheen away from her path breaking victory. She won a prize of $15,000 for winning this BWF Super Series tournament. Nehwal reached a career high of world no. 3 in the women's singles badminton world rankings on 24 June 2010. She defended her Indonesia Open super series title in three tough games against Sayaka Sato of Japan, 21–19, 13–21, 21–11. This was her third super series title and her third successive title following wins at Indian open, Singapore Super series. She again won the top prize of $18,750 for winning this BWF Super Series tournament. On 15 July 2010, with 64791.26 points, Nehwal reached a career high world ranking of No. 2 only behind Wang Yihan of China. 2nd seed Nehwal, a tournament favourite, crashed out of the 2010 BWF World Championships in Paris after losing to 4th ranked Chinese Wang Shixian in straight sets 8–21, 14–21. She equalled her tournament best performance, as she was also a losing quarter-finalist in the last edition held in Hyderabad. She subsequently dropped a spot to be No. 3 in the world rankings.

Top seed Nehwal won the gold medal in the Women's Singles badminton event in the 2010 Commonwealth Games held in New Delhi. She beat Wong Mew Choo of Malaysia 19–21 23–21 21–13. After her win Nehwal said, "when I was a match-point down, it was like a shock. It was a big match and winning it means a lot to me. Even many years from now, those present here will always remember how Saina won the gold. It is a proud feeling". In the BWF Super Series ranking for the year 2010 (which only considers the performances of players in the elite world super series tournaments), as on 27 September 2010, Nehwal dropped to No. 7 from a high of No. 1 after giving a miss to 2010 China Masters Super Series and 2010 Japan Super Series due to her preparation for the 2010 Commonwealth Games. As on 5 December 2010, for the first time in the year Nehwal dropped out of the top 10 best performers in the 2010 BWF Super Series rankings.

Nehwal confirmed her participation for the 2010 Hong Kong Super series to held from 7 to 12 December 2010, the penultimate super series tournament of the year. This would be her first super series tournament after a gap of more than five months since her win in the 2010 Indonesia Super Series in June 2010. On 12 December 2010, she defeated Wang Shixian 15–21, 21–16, 21–17 in the final of the 2010 Hong Kong Super Series to win her fourth career Super Series title.

Fourth-seed Nehwal crashed out of the 2011 Korea Open Super Series Premier on 27 January 2011 in the second round. She was defeated by the Japanese Sayaka Sato in a tight three-set match with score 17–21, 21–19 and 21–11. Fifth-seed Nehwal was disappointed when she was defeated by Eriko Hirose of Japan at 2011 All England Super Series Premier on 11 March 2011. She was defeated in straight sets with a score of 21–11 and 22–20. It was her second early exit of the year after being defeated in Korean Premium Super Series earlier in January. One week later, on 17 March 2011, she met Eriko Hirose again (in the second round of the Wilson Badminton Swiss Open), but managed to win this time in three games 21–15, 17–21 and 21–11 – on her birthday. 2nd seed Nehwal beat Ji Hyun Sung of South Korea 21–13, 21–14 to win the Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold badminton title on 20 March 2011. Nehwal posed an early exit from the Indian Open Super Series in Delhi. She disappointed the home crowd being defeated by Ai Goto of Japan in straight games, 21–17 and 21–19.

Nehwal faltered after a good start as she lost to the then world number three Wang Xin of China in the finals to finish runner-up in the 2011 Malaysian Open Grand Prix Gold tournament on 8 May 2011. Nehwal participated in the 2011 BWF Double Star Sudirman Cup mixed team event. She won her first match against Tzu Ying Tai of Chinese Taipei which was a tough three setter 21–10, 12–21 21–17, but India lost the tie 3–2. She was then shocked in her second match by current Junior World Champion and 16-year-old teen sensation Ratchanok Inthanon of Thailand losing in straight sets 21–14, 22–20, but India managed to beat Thailand 3–2 in the tie to book a spot in the quarterfinals of the elite mixed team event for the first time in the history of the tournament. In the quarterfinals against the mighty Chinese, Nehwal put up her best performance and beat the then world number two Xin Wang in straight sets 21–15, 21–11, but still the Chinese managed to move into the semi finals with a 3–1 win over India. Nehwal lost to Li Xuerui of China in the quarterfinals of the Thailand Open GP Gold.

Defending champion Nehwal lost to Cheng Shao-chieh of Chinese Taipei in the second round of Singapore Open Super Series. Nehwal, in her attempt to record a third straight win at the Indonesia Open Super Series Premier, reached the finals where she lost to Wang Yihan of China to finish as runner-up, on 26 June. Nehwal crashed out of the World Championship 2011 as she lost 15–21, 10–21 to World Number 3 Wang Xin of China in a lop-sided women's singles match. Nehwal, who reached the quarterfinals in the last two editions of the event, had to be content with yet another last-eight finish. She lost in the quarter finals of 2011 China Masters Super Series against World No. 1 Wang Yihan of China in straight games, 8–21, 12–21. Nehwal lost in the semi finals of 2011 Japan Super Series against Juliane Schenk of Germany in straight games 19–21, 10–21. In the 2011 Denmark Super Series Premier, she lost to 17-year-old teen Tai Tzu-ying of Taiwan in straight games 19–21, 13–21 in the second round.Nehwal repeated her second-round exit in the 2011 French Super Series as she lost to World No. 16 Li Xuerui of China in straight games 18–21, 29–30. Nehwal lost in quarter finals of 2011 Hong Kong Super Series against World No. 7 Tine Baun of Denmark in straight games 16–21, 15–21.

Nehwal was defeated in the first round of the 2011 China Open Super Series Premier by World No. 8 Bae Youn-joo of South Korea 21–15, 22–24, 15–21. During the season ending tournament in December, Nehwal created history by becoming the first Indian singles player to reach the final of the BWF Super Series Masters Finals after defeating World No. 5 Tine Baun of Denmark to cruise 21–17, 21–18 in the semifinals of the 2011 BWF Super Series Masters Finals in Liuzhou (China). She went on to lose the final 21–18, 13–21, 13–21 against the World No. 1 Chinese Wang Yihan in a contest lasting over an hour.

Nehwal successfully did her Swiss Open Title by defeating World No 2 Wang Shixian of China 21–19 21–16 on 18 March 2012,[46] a day after she turned 22 years old. On 10 June 2012, she defeated Thailand's Ratchanok Inthanon 19–21 21–15 21–10, to lift the Thailand Open Grand Prix Gold title.

On 17 June 2012, Nehwal won the Indonesia Open Super Series by defeating World No. 3 Li Xuerui of China 13–21, 22–20 21–19. It was her third Indonesia Open title. On 4 August 2012, she won the bronze medal at the London Olympics when China's Wang Xin retired from the match after an injury with the match at 18–21, 0–1. On 21 October 2012, she won the Denmark Open Super Series Premier after defeating Wang Yihan 21–12 12–7 in the semifinal. Yihan retired, hurt, in this match after losing the first set and trailing in the second. In the final Nehwal defeated Juliane Schenk of Germany in two straight sets to lift her first Denmark open trophy.

On 26 January 2014 Nehwal defeated World Championship bronze medalist P.V. Sindhu 21–14, 21–17 to win the Women's Singles of India Open Grand Prix Gold Tournament. On March,2014 World No. 4 Nehwal, who had a win-loss record of 4–2 against the Chinese ace Wang Shixian, crashed out of the 2014 All England Super Series Premier after losing her quarter-final match. She took revenge of the All England loss by defeating Wang Shixian in the semifinals of 2014 Australian Super Series. In final on June 29, 2014 Nehwal defeated Spain's Carolina Marin 21–18, 21–11 to win Women's Singles of the 2014 Australian Super Series.[56] The win helped her to reach the ranking of World no. 7, climbing two spots.

She became the first Indian woman to win the China Open Super Series Premier by beating Japan's Akane Yamaguchi 21–12, 22–20 in the final.

Defending champion Nehwal won the 2015 India Open Grand Prix Gold by defeating Spain's Carolina Marin in the final. She became the first Indian woman shuttler to reach the finals of the All England Open Badminton Championships, but lost to Carolina in the final. On 29 March 2015, Nehwal won her maiden women's singles title at the India Open BWF Super Series beating Ratchanok Intanon of Thailand. This assured her of becoming World number 1 when the latest BWF rankings were released on April 2. Thus, she became the first Indian women's player to be World No. 1 in badminton. On 16 August 2015, Nehwal went down fighting to Carolina Marin again, in the final of the World Badminton Championships held in Jakarta, settling for the silver. Defending champion Nehwal fought hard before going down to Li Xuerei in the final of the China open.

Nehwal dealt with injuries in early 2016 but she eventually recovered. The defending champion lost to the reigning Olympic champion Li Xuerui in a hard fought match at the India Open in the semifinals. She registered semifinal finishes at the India Open and Malaysia Open. She reached the semifinals of the Badminton Asia Championships after defeating the third seed Wang Shixian (21–16, 21–19) in the quarterfinals, but lost to Wang Yihan in the semifinals. She settled for bronze, her second in the Asian Championships after 2010. In June 2016, she competed at the Indonesia Open Superseries Premier. She reached the quarterfinals where she lost to the top seed Carolina Marin with the score of 22–24, 11–21.

At the Australian Super Series, after registering victories in straight games against unseeded players, Nehwal reached the quarterfinals, where she won a hard-fought match against the second seed Ratchanok Intanon, 28–26, 21–16.[59] After registering victory in the semifinals against the world no. 2 Wang Yihan by 21–8, 21–12, she won her first title of the year after defeating China's Sun Yu in the final by 11–21, 21–14, 21–19.

Making her third appearance at the Olympics, Nehwal, the fifth seed, won her opening match against the unseeded Lohaynny Vicente in straight games. However, she lost her second match against the world no. 61 Marija Ulitina by 18–21, 19–21, thereby making an exit at the group stage. Her coach cited the week-old knee injury for her below par performance.

Nehwal entered 2017 with maiden Malaysia open Grand Prix Gold title. She went on to reach the quarterfinals of the All England Championships 2018. She couldn't do well much of the year due to injury; she was still recovering. In August she was seeded 12th in the World Badminton Championships at Glasgow. Nehwal again dug deep into her reservoir to eke out a 21-19 18-21 21-15 win over world No. 31 Kristy Gilmour of Scotland in the quarterfinal. However, she lost in the semifinal in a tight 3 setter to eventual winner Nozomi Okhuhara of Japan, thus winning the bronze medal. This was Nehwal's second consecutive medal at World Badminton Championship and a record breaking 7th consecutive quarterfinal. She then won the 82nd national badminton championship by beating P. V. Sindhu in the final.

Nehwal had a good start to the year, reaching the finals of the 2018 Indonesia Masters. En route to the finals she beat Chen Yufei, Chen Xioxin (both of China), P.V. Sindhu in the quarterfinal and Ratchanok Intanon in the semis. She won her second gold in Commonwealth Games women's singles after beating P V Sindhu in the final and eventually led the Indian team to another gold medal in the mixed team event. She then clinched a bronze in the Asian badminton championships which was her third medal in the tournament altogether, as she went down fighting to the defending champion Tai Tzu Ying.

At the 2018 Asian Games, Nehwal made history by winning the first Asian badminton medal for India by a woman.[66] She went down fighting to Tai Tzu Ying in the semifinal, winning a bronze medal. She achieved a rare feat by winning medals from the prestigious quintet of badminton tournaments - the Olympics, the World Championships, the Commonwealth Games, the Asian Championships and the Asian Games.

At 2018 Denmark Open, Nehwal went into the finals by defeating a Cheung Ngan Yi in the first round and second seeded Akane Yamaguchi in the second round by (21−17, 21−15), then defeated in the quaterfinals she met 8th seeded Nozomi Okuhara and defeated her by (17−21,21-16,21-12) and reaching semifinals she faced Gregoria Mariska Tunjung (2018 reigning world junior champion) in staright sets (21−12,21−13). In the final Nehwal met her arch-rival and the no.1 seed Tai Tzu-ying. In the past 16 meetings Tai had won 11 and Saina wanted to break that jinx but couldn't managed and went down by (13−21,21−13,6−21).

Nehwal started the 2018 French Open with a good start defeating Saena Kawakami of Japan and again the eight seeded Nozomi Okuhara of Japan in a tight three sets where Saina pulled back from one game deficit and defeated her (10−21,21−14,21−17). In the quarter final she again met Tai Tzu-ying fot the 18th times but this time also she was defeated by the world No.1 by (22-20, 21-11).

Nehwal said "I am happy with the way I am playing , I played one final and lost in one quaterfinals , there is a lot to learn from my mistakes and I also need to work on my stamina and I am definitely confident now as I was not able to clear the first and second round of the Superseries tournament but I'm happy to break that jinx , and I'm looking forward to play the China open and the Hong Kong open next month".

Saina went into the finals of Syed modi international 300 tournament but lost to Han Yue of China. This is her 4th final this year which includes commonwealth, Denmark open, Indonesia open.

Saina started 2019 with a semi final finish at the Malaysia Masters, as she reached the semis by beating then second seeded Nozomi Okuhara in the quarterfinals by 21–18 23–21 but got defeated to on court rival Carolina Marin by 21–16 21–13 on 19 January.[69] Next week on 27 January, she won her first BWF Super 500 title as she won the Indonesia Masters against Carolina Marin but only after an injured Marin retired from the court.
Olympic Games:

Women's singles
Year Venue Opponent Score Result
2012 Wembley Arena, London, United Kingdom China Wang Xin 18–21, 0–1r Bronze Bronze
BWF World Championships:

Women's singles
Year Venue Opponent Score Result
2017 Emirates Arena, Glasgow, Scotland Japan Nozomi Okuhara 21–12, 17–21, 10–21 Bronze Bronze
2015 Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia Spain Carolina Marín 16–21, 19–21 Silver Silver
Commonwealth Games:

Women's singles
Year Venue Opponent Score Result
2018 Carrara Sports and Leisure Centre, Gold Coast, Australia India P. V. Sindhu 21–18, 23–21 Gold Gold
2010 Siri Fort Sports Complex, New Delhi, India Malaysia Wong Mew Choo 19–21, 23–21, 21–13 Gold Gold
Asian Games:

Women's singles
Year Venue Opponent Score Result
2018 Istora Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, Indonesia Chinese Taipei Tai Tzu-ying 17–21, 14–21 Bronze Bronze
Asian Championships:

Women's singles
Year Venue Opponent Score Result
2018 Wuhan Sports Center Gymnasium, Wuhan, China Chinese Taipei Tai Tzu-ying 25–27, 19–21 Bronze Bronze
2016 Wuhan Sports Center Gymnasium, Wuhan, China China Wang Yihan 16–21, 14–21 Bronze Bronze
2010 Siri Fort Indoor Stadium, New Delhi, India China Li Xuerui 17–21, 11–21 Bronze Bronze
BWF World Junior Championships:

Girls' singles
Year Venue Opponent Score Result
2008 Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex, Pune, India Japan Sayaka Sato 21–9, 21–18 Gold Gold
2006 Samsan World Gymnasium, Incheon, South Korea China Wang Yihan 13–21, 19–21 Silver Silver
BWF World Tour:

The BWF World Tour, announced on 19 March 2017 and implemented in 2018,[71] is a series of elite badminton tournaments, sanctioned by Badminton World Federation (BWF). The BWF World Tour is divided into six levels: World Tour Finals, Super 1000, Super 750, Super 500, Super 300 (part of the HSBC World Tour), and the BWF Tour Super 100.

Women's singles
Year Tournament Level Opponent Score Result
2019 Indonesia Masters Super 500 Spain Carolina Marín 4–10 Retired 1st, gold medalist(s) Winner
2018 Syed Modi International Super 300 China Han Yue 18–21, 8–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2018 Denmark Open Super 750 Chinese Taipei Tai Tzu-ying 13–21, 21–13, 6–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2018 Indonesia Masters Super 500 Chinese Taipei Tai Tzu-ying 9–21, 13–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
BWF Superseries:

The BWF Superseries, launched on 14 December 2006 and implemented in 2007, is a series of elite badminton tournaments, sanctioned by the Badminton World Federation (BWF). BWF Superseries has two levels: Superseries and Superseries Premier. A season of Superseries features twelve tournaments around the world, introduced in 2011, with successful players invited to the Superseries Finals held at the year's end.

Women's singles
Year Tournament Opponent Score Result
2016 Australian Open China Sun Yu 11–21, 21–14, 21–19 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2015 China Open China Li Xuerui 12–21, 15–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2015 India Open Thailand Ratchanok Intanon 21–16, 21–14 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2015 All England Open Spain Carolina Marín 21–16, 14–21, 7–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2014 China Open Japan Akane Yamaguchi 21–12, 22–20 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2014 Australian Open Spain Carolina Marín 21–18, 21–11 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2012 French Open Japan Minatsu Mitani 19–21, 11–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2012 Denmark Open Germany Juliane Schenk 21–17, 21–8 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2012 Indonesia Open China Li Xuerui 13–21, 22–20, 21–19 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2011 BWF Super Series Finals China Wang Yihan 21–18, 13–21, 13–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2011 Indonesia Open China Wang Yihan 21–12, 21–23, 14–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2010 Hong Kong Open China Wang Shixian 15–21, 21–16, 21–17 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2010 Indonesia Open Japan Sayaka Sato 21–19, 13–21, 21–11 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2010 Singapore Open Chinese Taipei Tai Tzu-ying 21–18, 21–15 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2009 Indonesia Open China Wang Lin 12–21, 21–18, 21–9 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion

         BWF Superseries Finals tournament
         BWF Superseries Premier tournament
         BWF Superseries tournament

BWF Grand Prix:

The BWF Grand Prix has two levels: Grand Prix and Grand Prix Gold. It is a series of badminton tournaments, sanctioned by Badminton World Federation (BWF) since 2007. The World Badminton Grand Prix sanctioned by International Badminton Federation (IBF) since 1983.

Women's singles
Year Tournament Opponent Score Result
2017 Malaysia Masters Thailand Pornpawee Chochuwong 22-20, 22-20 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2015 Syed Modi International Spain Carolina Marín 19–21, 25–23, 21–16 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2014 Syed Modi International India P. V. Sindhu 21–14, 21–17 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2012 Thailand Open Thailand Ratchanok Inthanon 19–21, 21–15, 21–10 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2012 Swiss Open China Wang Shixian 21–19, 21–16 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2011 Swiss Open South Korea Sung Ji-hyun 21–13, 21–14 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2011 Malaysia Masters China Wang Xin 21–13, 8–21, 14–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up
2010 India Open China Wong Mew Choo 20–22, 21–14, 21–12 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2009 Syed Modi International India Aditi Mutatkar 21-17, 21–13 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2008 Chinese Taipei Open Malaysia Lydia Cheah 12–21, 21–18, 21–9 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion
2006 Philippines Open Malaysia Julia Wong Pei Xian 21–15, 22–20 1st, gold medalist(s) Champion

         BWF Grand Prix Gold tournament
         BWF & IBF Grand Prix tournament

BWF International Challenge/SeriesEdit

Women's singles
Year Tournament Opponent Score Result
2007 India International Japan Kanako Yonekura 13–21, 18–21 2nd, silver medalist(s) Runner-up

         BWF International Challenge tournament
         BWF International Series tournament

National titles and runners-upEdit
National Junior/Senior titles (12):
S. No. Year Tournament Age group Format Partner Opponent(s) in final Score Ref.
1 2002 Sub-Junior National Badminton Championship Under 13 Singles N/A Parsa Naqvi 11–0, 11–4
2 2002 Sub-Junior National Badminton Championship Under 13 Doubles Pizza Bharali Mudra Dhainje / Fernaz Jasdanwala 11–5, 11–4
3 2002 Sub-Junior National Badminton Championship Under 16 Doubles Aparna Balan Manisha Eswarappa / Y. K. Subrata 11–2, 11–3
4 2003 Sub-Junior National Badminton Championship Under 16 Singles N/A Anjali Kalita 11–3, 11–13, 11–2
5 2003 Sub-Junior National Badminton Championship Under 16 Doubles Jyotshna P G. M. Nischitha / Madhuri Vijay 15–6, 15–7
6 2004 Junior National badminton championships Under 19 Singles N/A Ridhi Pajwani 11–2, 11–4
7 2004 Junior National badminton championships Under 19 Doubles Aparna Balan T. Soumya / Ashwini Chowdary 15–6, 15–10
8 2005 Junior National badminton championships Under 19 Singles N/A Aditi Mutatkar 11–5, 13–10
9 2005 Junior National badminton championships Under 19 Doubles Aparna Balan V. Ruth Misha / Saumya Padhye 15–2,15–4
10 2007 Senior National Badminton Championships Senior Singles N/A Aditi Mutatkar 21–19, 21–16
11 2007 National Games Senior Singles N/A Aditi Mutatkar 24–22, 21–15
12 2008 Senior National Badminton Championships Senior Singles N/A Trupti Murgunde 21–11, 21–10
13 2017 Senior National Badminton Championships Senior Singles N/A P. V. Sindhu 21–17, 27–25
National Junior/Senior runners-up (1)Edit
S. No. Year Tournament Age group Format Partner Opponent(s) in final Score Ref.
1 2006 Senior National Badminton Championships Senior Singles N/A Aparna Popat 11–13, 3–11
Career overview:
Singles Played Wins Losses Balance
Total* 591 414 177 +239
Current year (2019)* 9 8 1 7

Doubles Played Wins Losses Balance
Total* 33 9 24 −15
Current year (2016)* 0 0 0 0

    * Statistics were last updated on 4 June 2016.[81]

Event 2008
Summer Olympics QF Bronze Group Stage
Event 2006
Commonwealth Games Bronze Gold Gold
Event 2004
Commonwealth Youth Games Silver Gold

Singles Titles
Type No. of titles
Super Series Premier 4
Super Series 7
Grand Prix Gold 8
Grand Prix 1
Others 4
Total 24

Singles performance timeline:


Tournament 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 SR Best
BWF events
BWF World Junior Championships 2R NH S A G N/A 1/3 W ('08)
BWF World Championships NH A 1R 3R NH QF QF QF NH QF QF S NH B 0/8 F ('15)
Olympics N/A NH QF NH B NH RR 0/3 SF ('12)
BWF Super Series
England All England Super Series Premier N/A 2R 1R 1R SF QF QF SF QF F QF 0/10 F ('15)
India India Open Super Series NH N/A 1R 2R 2R QF W SF 1/6 W ('15)
Malaysia Malaysia Super Series Premier N/A Absent QF QF A SF SF 2R SF SF 0/7 SF ('12, '13, '15, '16)
Singapore Singapore Open Super Series N/A A SF QF W 2R A QF 1R Absent 1/6 W ('10)
Indonesia Indonesia Super Series Premier N/A A 2R W W F W SF QF QF QF 3/9 W ('09, '10, '12)
Australia Australian Open Super Series N/A W QF W 2/3 W ('14, '16)
Japan Japan Open Super Series N/A A 1R 1R A SF Absent 2R A 0/4 SF ('11)
South Korea Korea Open Super Series N/A Absent 2R A 2R QF QF Absent A 0/4 QF ('12, '13)
Denmark Denmark Super Series Premier N/A 1R A QF A 2R W QF QF 2R A 1/7 W ('12)
France French Open Super Series N/A Absent QF A 2R F 2R QF QF A 0/6 F ('12)
China China Open Super Series Premier N/A 1R 1R 2R A 1R A 2R W F 1R 1/7 W ('14)
Hong Kong Hong Kong Open Super Series N/A 1R QF 1R W QF 2R 2R QF A QF 1/8 W ('10)
Switzerland Swiss Open Super Series N/A 1R 2R QF A N/A 0/3 QF ('09)
China China Masters Super Series NH N/A A SF Absent QF Absent N/A 0/2 SF ('08)
BWF Super Series Masters Finals NH SF SF A F SF RR SF RR A 0/7 F ('11)
BWF Grand Prix Gold and Grand Prix
Malaysia Malaysia Open Grand Prix Gold NH QF A F Absent W 1/3 W ('17)
India Syed Modi Grand Prix Gold N/A NH W Absent 1R NH W W A 3/4 W ('09, '14, '15)
Switzerland Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold N/A W W SF QF A SF 2/5 W ('11, '12)
Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei Grand Prix Gold N/A A W Absent 1/1 W ('08)
Thailand Thailand Open Grand Prix Gold N/A 1R QF A NH QF W QF NH A A 1/5 W ('12)
India India Open Grand Prix Gold NH 2R QF W N/A 1/3 W ('10)
Macau Open Grand Prix Gold Absent QF 0/1 QF ('16)
Other Events
Commonwealth Games NH 3R[82] NH G NH A NH 1/2 W ('10)
Asian Games NH 2R NH QF NH QF NH 0/3 QF ('10, '14)
Asian Championships Absent 2R[83] 2R[84] 1R[85] 1R[86] B A 2R[87] Absent QF B 0/8 SF ('10, '16)
Philippines Open NH W[88] 1R[89] NH A NH 1/2 W ('06)
India Satellite A W[90] W[91] NH 2/2 W ('05, '06)
Year-end ranking 8 4 3 3 8 4 2 10 10
Record against top ranked playersEdit

Record against Super Series finalists, World Championships semifinalists and Olympic quarterfinalists (as of 12 June 2016):
Opponent Record Opponent Record Opponent Record
Spain Carolina Marin 5–6 China Wang Yihan 5–11 China Wang Xin 3–4
China Jiang Yanjiao 0–5 China Lu Lan 4–1 China Wang Lin 2–4
China Li Xuerui 2–12 China Xie Xingfang 0–2 China Wang Shixian 7–7
Denmark Tine Baun 5–4 Germany Juliane Schenk 8–4 Chinese Taipei Cheng Shao-Chieh 3–1
Chinese Taipei Tai Tzu-ying 5–13 South Korea Bae Yeon-ju 9–4 South Korea Sung Ji-hyun 9–2
Japan Eriko Hirose 4–5 Japan Nozomi Okuhara 6–2 Japan Minatsu Mitani 6–4
Bulgaria Petya Nedelcheva 6–2 France Pi Hongyan 1–5 Hong Kong Yip Pui Yin 6–2
Hong Kong Zhou Mi 1–3 Hong Kong Wang Chen 1–3 Malaysia Wong Mew Choo 5–2
Thailand Porntip Buranaprasertsuk 8–1 Thailand Ratchanok Inthanon 9–5 Indonesia Lindaweni Fanetri 3–1
Indonesia Maria Kristin Yulianti 0–1 China Zhang Ning 0–1 China Zhu Lin 2–2
Belgium Lianne Tan 1–0 Russia Ella Diehl 5–0 Japan Sayaka Sato 5–1
India P. V. Sindhu 3–1 China Sun Yu 6–2 Ukraine Larisa Griga 1–0

    Most Promising Player of the Year (2008) award by Badminton World Federatio
    Arjuna Award (2009)
    Padma Shri (2010)
    Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna (2009–2010)[96]
    Padma Bhushan (2016)

For the bronze medal at the 2012 London Olympics

    ₹10 million (US$140,000) cash award from the Haryana Government
    ₹5 million (US$70,000) cash award from the Rajasthan Government
    ₹5 million (US$70,000) cash award from the Andhra Pradesh Government
    ₹1 million (US$14,000) cash award from the Badminton Association of India
    Honorary doctorate degree by Mangalayatan University
    Honorary doctorate degree by SRM Institute of Science and Technology


In 2002, sports brand Yonex offered to sponsor Nehwal's kit. As her status and rankings improved, the sponsorships increased. In 2004, Bharat Petroleum signed the rising star. She is one of the athletes supported by Olympic Gold Quest. She endorses Commune Builder, Edelweiss Group, Emami, Fortune Cooking Oil, Godrej No Marks, Herbalife Nutrition, Huawei Honor smartphone. Indian Overseas Bank, Iodex, NECC, Sahara Group, Star Sports, Top Ramen Noodles, Vaseline and Yonex.

Nehwal signed an endorsement deal worth Rs. 400 million with the popular sports management firm Rhiti Sports in 2012. However, she severed this deal in 2013 and signed up with KWAN entertainment and marketing solutions for an undisclosed sum.She has a dedicated sporting range with the multinational sports goods manufacturer Yonex, 4% of the profits of which goes to her.
In popular culture:

Nehwal has been invited on popular Indian television shows as a guest including Satyamev Jayate, Comedy Nights with Kapil, and The Kapil Sharma Show.

Her autobiography, Playing to Win: My Life On and Off Court, was released in 2012.

As of 2018, an unnamed biopic directed by Amol Gupte will be made on her, with actress Shraddha Kapoor playing the title role.

Saina Nehwal Institute of Agricultural Technology, Training & Education at Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University is named after her.
