वैशिष्ट्यीकृत पोस्ट

सुनीती चौधरी

सुनीति चौधुरी

सुनीति चौधुरी ( 22 मई 1917) भारत की एक क्रान्तिकारी नारी थीं। स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में बहुत कम अवस्था में बडा कारनामा करके दिखाने वाली सुनीति उस समय के प्रसिद्ध दीपाली संघ की सदस्या थीं। आजादी की लडाई में सुनीति चौधुरी का कारनामा सुनकर लोग आज भी दाँतों तले अँगुली दबा लेते हैं।
सुनीति चौधुरी
सुनीति चौधुरी
22 मई 1917
कोमिला, ब्रिटिश राज
12 जनवरी 1988 ( 70 वर्ष की आयु में)
प्रसिद्धि कारण
१४ वर्ष की अल्पायु में एक ब्रितानी मजिस्ट्रेट की हत्या

२४ दिसम्बर १९३१, त्रिपुरा

फैजुन्निसा बालिका विद्यालय की दो छात्राओं कुमारी शांति घोष और कुमारी सुनीति चौधरी ने मजिस्ट्रेट बी जी स्टीवेंसन से मिलने की अनुमति मांगी | कारण पूछने पर उन्होंने उत्तर दिया की वो लडकियों की तैराकी प्रतियोगिता के सन्दर्भ में उनसे कुछ बात करना चाहती हैं। मजिस्ट्रेट के कमरे में पंहुचते ही उन्होंने गोली चला दी। उन वीरांगनाओं का निशाना अचूक था, स्टीवेंसन वहीं मर गया। दोनों वीर बालाएं गिरफ्तार कर ली गयीं। २७ फ़रवरी १९३२ को उन्हें अजन्म काला पानी का दंड हुआ। सत्तावनी क्रांति के बाद यह पहली घटना थी जिसमे किसी महिला ने राजनीतिक हत्या की थी।

जहाँ इस वीरतापूर्ण कार्य की सराहना होनी चाहिए थी वहीँ गांधीवाद और अहिंसा के नशे में चूर सरदार बल्लभ भाई पटेल ने कहा कि ये दोनों लड़कियां भारतीय नारियों के लिए कलंक स्वरूप हैं। महान क्रांतिकारी मन्मथनाथ गुप्त जी लिखते हैं -" इतिहास ही बताएगा कि ये लड़कियां भारत के इतिहास का कलंक नहीं हैं | हाँ इस प्रकार का बयान अवश्य कलंक था |"
Suniti Choudhury

Suniti Choudhury (22 May 1917 – 12 January 1988) was an Indian nationalist who, along with Santi Ghose, assassinated a British district magistrate when she was 14 years old and is known for her participation in an armed revolutionary struggle.
Suniti Choudhury

22 May 1917
Comilla, British Raj
12 January 1988 (aged 70)
Known for
Assassinating a British magistrate at age 14
Indian independence movement
Early life:

Suniti Chowdhury was born on 22 May 1917 in Comilla of Comilla District of Bengal (present Bangladesh) to Umacharan Choudhury and Surasundari Choudhury. She was a student of Foyjunessa Balika Vidyalay of Comilla.
Revolutionary activities:

Chowdhury was influenced by the revolutionary activities of Ullaskar Dutta, who also lived in Comilla. She was recruited to the Jugantar Party by Prafullanalini Brahma, another pupil. She was also the member of Tripura Zilla Chhatri Sangha. Chowdhury was selected as the Captain of the Women's Volunteer Corps in the Annual Conference of Tripura Zilla Chhatri Sangha, held on 6 May 1931. During this time, she was known by the alias of 'Meera Devi'. She was selected as the “custodian of firearms” and was in charge of training female members (of the Chhatri Sangha) in lathi, sword and dagger play.
Assassination of Charles StevensEdit

On 14 December 1931, Chowdhury, then 14, and Santi Ghose, who was 15, walked into the office of Charles Geoffrey Buckland Stevens, a British bureaucrat and the district magistrate of Comilla, under the pretense that they wanted to present a petition to arrange a swimming competition amongst their classmates. While Stevens looked at the document, Ghose and Chowdhury removed automatic pistols which were hidden under their shawls and shot and killed him.
Trial and sentence:

The girls were taken into custody and imprisoned in the local British jail. In February 1932, Ghose and Chowdhury appeared in court in Calcutta. Being a minor, both of them were sentenced to jail for 10 years. In an interview, they stated, "It is better to die than live in a horse's stable."

She was held captive in Hijli Detention Camp as a "third class prisoner". The effects of her activities were also faced by her family, with her father’s government pension being stopped, and her two elder brothers being held in custody without trial. Her younger brother died from consumption, exacerbated by years of malnutrition.

She was released with Santi Ghose in 1939, after having served seven years of her sentence, because of the amnesty negotiations between Gandhiji and the British Indian government.
Public and media response:

Contemporary Western periodicals portrayed the assassination as a sign of "Indians' outrage against an ordinance by the Earl of Willingdon that suppressed the civil rights of Indians, including that of free speech." Indian sources characterized the assassination as Ghose and Chowdbury's response to the "misbehaviors of the British district magistrates" who had abused their positions of power to rape Indian women.

After the verdict was announced, a flyer was found by the intelligence branch of police in the Rajshahi district praising Ghose and Chowdbury as nationalist heroines. The poster read, "THOU ART FREEDOM'S NOW, AND FAME'S" and displayed photographs of the two girls alongside lines from Robert Burns' poem Scots Wha Hae:

"Tyrants fall in every foe!
Liberty's in every blow!"
Later life and death:

After her release, Chowdhury studied and passed M.B.B.S. and became a doctor. In 1947, Chowdhury married Trade Union Leader Pradyot Kumar Ghosh.

Chowdhury died on 12 January 1988.
