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उधम सिंह
सरदार उधम सिंह (26 दिसम्बर 1899 से 31 जुलाई 1940) का नाम भारत की आज़ादी की लड़ाई में पंजाब के क्रान्तिकारी के रूप में दर्ज है। उन्होंने जलियांवाला बाग कांड के समय पंजाब के गर्वनर जनरल रहे माइकल ओ' ड्वायर (en:Sir Michael Francis O'Dwyer) को लन्दन में जाकर गोली मारी।[1] कई इतिहासकारों का मानना है कि यह हत्याकाण्ड ओ' ड्वायर व अन्य ब्रिटिश अधिकारियों का एक सुनियोजित षड्यंत्र था, जो पंजाब पर नियंत्रण बनाए रखने के लिए पंजाबियों को डराने के उद्देश्य से किया गया था। यही नहीं, ओ' ड्वायर बाद में भी जनरल डायर के समर्थन से पीछे नहीं हटा था।[2][3][4]
उधम सिंह
Udham Singh taken away from Taxon Hall.jpg
जन्म 26 दिसम्बर 1899
सुनाम, पंजाब, ब्रिटिश भारत
मृत्यु 31 जुलाई 1940 (उम्र 40)
पेंटोविले जेल, यूनाइटेड किंगडम
अन्य नाम राम मोहम्मद सिंह आजाद
संगठन गदर पार्टी, हिंदुस्तान सोशलिस्ट रिपब्लिकन एसोसिएशन, भारतीय श्रमिक संघ
आंदोलन भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम
धार्मिक मान्यता सिख
Udham Singh taken away from Taxon Hall.jpg
मिलते जुलते नाम के कारण यह एक आम धारणा है कि उधम सिंह ने जालियाँवाला बाग हत्याकांड के उत्तरदायी जनरल डायर (पूरा नाम - रेजिनाल्ड एडवार्ड हैरी डायर, Reginald Edward Harry Dyer) को मारा था, लेकिन इतिहासकारों का मानना है कि प्रशासक ओ' ड्वायर जहां उधम सिंह की गोली से मरा (सन् १९४०), वहीं गोलीबारी को अंजाम देने वाला जनरल डायर १९२७ में पक्षाघात तथा कई तरह की बीमारियों से ग्रसित होकर मरा।
उत्तर भारतीय राज्य उत्तराखण्ड के एक ज़िले का नाम भी इनके नाम पर उधम सिंह नगर रखा गया है।
जीवन वृत्तसंपादित करें
उधम सिंह का जन्म 26 दिसम्बर 1899 को पंजाब के संगरूर जिले के सुनाम गाँव में काम्बोज परिवार में हुआ था। सन 1901 में उधमसिंह की माता और 1907 में उनके पिता का निधन हो गया। इस घटना के चलते उन्हें अपने बड़े भाई के साथ अमृतसर के एक अनाथालय में शरण लेनी पड़ी। उधमसिंह का बचपन का नाम शेर सिंह और उनके भाई का नाम मुक्तासिंह था जिन्हें अनाथालय में क्रमश: उधमसिंह और साधुसिंह के रूप में नए नाम मिले। इतिहासकार मालती मलिक के अनुसार उधमसिंह देश में सर्वधर्म समभाव के प्रतीक थे और इसीलिए उन्होंने अपना नाम बदलकर राम मोहम्मद सिंह आजाद रख लिया था जो भारत के तीन प्रमुख धर्मों का प्रतीक है।
अनाथालय में उधमसिंह की जिन्दगी चल ही रही थी कि 1917 में उनके बड़े भाई का भी देहांत हो गया। वह पूरी तरह अनाथ हो गए। 1919 में उन्होंने अनाथालय छोड़ दिया और क्रांतिकारियों के साथ मिलकर आजादी की लड़ाई में शमिल हो गए। उधमसिंह अनाथ हो गए थे, लेकिन इसके बावजूद वह विचलित नहीं हुए और देश की आजादी तथा डायर को मारने की अपनी प्रतिज्ञा को पूरा करने के लिए लगातार काम करते रहे।
माइकल ओ'ड्वायर की गोली मारकर हत्यासंपादित करें
उधमसिंह १३ अप्रैल १९१९ को घटित जालियाँवाला बाग नरसंहार के प्रत्यक्षदर्शी थे। राजनीतिक कारणों से जलियाँवाला बाग में मारे गए लोगों की सही संख्या कभी सामने नहीं आ पाई। इस घटना से वीर उधमसिंह तिलमिला गए और उन्होंने जलियाँवाला बाग की मिट्टी हाथ में लेकर माइकल ओ डायर को सबक सिखाने की प्रतिज्ञा ले ली। अपने मिशन को अंजाम देने के लिए उधम सिंह ने विभिन्न नामों से अफ्रीका, नैरोबी, ब्राजील और अमेरिका की यात्रा की। सन् 1934 में उधम सिंह लंदन पहुंचे और वहां 9, एल्डर स्ट्रीट कमर्शियल रोड पर रहने लगे। वहां उन्होंने यात्रा के उद्देश्य से एक कार खरीदी और साथ में अपना मिशन पूरा करने के लिए छह गोलियों वाली एक रिवाल्वर भी खरीद ली। भारत का यह वीर क्रांतिकारी माइकल ओ डायर को ठिकाने लगाने के लिए उचित वक्त का इंतजार करने लगा।
उधम सिंह को अपने सैकड़ों भाई-बहनों की मौत का बदला लेने का मौका 1940 में मिला। जलियांवाला बाग हत्याकांड के 21 साल बाद 13 मार्च 1940 को रायल सेंट्रल एशियन सोसायटी की लंदन के काक्सटन हाल में बैठक थी जहां माइकल ओ डायर भी वक्ताओं में से एक था। उधम सिंह उस दिन समय से ही बैठक स्थल पर पहुंच गए। अपनी रिवॉल्वर उन्होंने एक मोटी किताब में छिपा ली। इसके लिए उन्होंने किताब के पृष्ठों को रिवॉल्वर के आकार में उस तरह से काट लिया था, जिससे डायर की जान लेने वाला हथियार आसानी से छिपाया जा सके।
बैठक के बाद दीवार के पीछे से मोर्चा संभालते हुए उधम सिंह ने माइकल ओ डायर पर गोलियां दाग दीं। दो गोलियां माइकल ओ डायर को लगीं जिससे उसकी तत्काल मौत हो गई। उधम सिंह ने वहां से भागने की कोशिश नहीं की और अपनी गिरफ्तारी दे दी। उन पर मुकदमा चला। 4 जून 1940 को उधम सिंह को हत्या का दोषी ठहराया गया और 31 जुलाई 1940 को उन्हें पेंटनविले जेल में फांसी दे दी गई।
Udham Singh
"Shaheed Uddham Singh" redirects here. For the 2000 film, see Shaheed Uddham Singh (film).
Udham Singh (26 December 1899 – 31 July 1940) was an Indian revolutionary best known for assassinating Sir Michael O'Dwyer, the former Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab in British India, on 13 March 1940. The assassination has been described as an avenging of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919.[1] Udham Singh is a well-known figure of the Indian independence movement. He is sometimes referred to as Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh (the expression "Shaheed-i-Azam," Urdu: شهید اعظم, means "the great martyr"). A district (Udham Singh Nagar) of Uttarakhand was named after him in October 1995 by the Mayawati government.[2]
Shaheed Udham Singh
Born 26 December 1899
Sunam, Punjab, British India
Died 31 July 1940 (aged 41)
Pentonville Prison, United Kingdom
Organization Ghadar Party, Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, Indian Workers' Association
Movement Indian independence movement
Early life:
Shaheed Udham Singh was born as Sher Singh on 26 March 1899, at Sunam in the Sangrur district of Punjab, India, to a kamboj family. His father, Sardar Tehal Singh, was a railway crossing watchman in the village of Upalli.
After his father's death, Singh and his elder brother, Mukta Singh, were taken in by the Central Khalsa Orphanage Putlighar in Amritsar. At the orphanage, Singh was administered the Sikh initiatory rites and received the name of Udham Singh. He passed his matriculation examination in 1918 and left the orphanage in 1919.
Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh:
On 10 April 1919, a number of local leaders allied to the Indian National Congress including Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kitchlew were arrested under the Rowlatt Act. Protestors against the arrests were fired on by British troops, precipitating a riot during which British banks were burned and four Europeans were killed. On 13 April, over twenty thousand unarmed protestors were assembled in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar. Singh and his friends from the orphanage were serving water to the crowd.[3][verification needed]
Troops were dispatched to restore order after the riots, under the command of Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer. Dyer ordered his troops to fire without warning on the assembled crowd in Jallianwala Bagh. Since the only exit was barred by soldiers, people tried to escape by climbing the park walls or jumping into a well for protection. An estimated 1500 people were killed and over 1,200 were wounded[4] although that has been debated.[3][verification needed][1]
Singh was deeply affected by the event. The governor of Punjab, Michael O'Dwyer, had supported the massacre, and Singh held him responsible.[3][verification needed]
Revolutionary politics:
Singh became involved in revolutionary politics and was deeply influenced by Bhagat Singh and his revolutionary group.[5] In 1924, Singh became involved with the Ghadar Party, organizing Indians overseas towards overthrowing colonial rule. In 1927, he returned to India on orders from Bhagat Singh, bringing 25 associates as well as revolvers and ammunition. Soon after, he was arrested for possession of unlicensed arms. Revolvers, ammunition, and copies of a prohibited Ghadar Party paper called "Ghadr-i-Gunj" ("Voice of Revolt") were confiscated. He was prosecuted and sentenced to five years in prison.
Upon his release from prison in 1931, Singh's movements were under constant surveillance by the Punjab police. He made his way to Kashmir, where he was able to evade the police and escape to Germany. In 1934, Singh reached London, where he planned to assassinate Michael O'Dwyer.[6][7][verification needed]
Shooting in Caxton Hall:
On 13 March 1940, Michael O'Dwyer was scheduled to speak at a joint meeting of the East India Association and the Central Asian Society (now Royal Society for Asian Affairs) at Caxton Hall, London. Singh concealed his revolver in his jacket pocket (which he received from Puran Singh Boughan from Malsian, Punjab), entered the hall, and found an open seat. As the meeting concluded, Singh shot O'Dwyer twice as he moved towards the speaking platform, killing him immediately. Others hurt in the shooting include Louis Dane, Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Marquess of Zetland, and Charles Cochrane-Baillie, 2nd Baron Lamington. Singh did not attempt to flee and was arrested on site.[8][verification needed]
Trial and execution:
Singh (second from the left) being taken from 10 Caxton Hall after the assassination of Michael O'Dwyer
On 1 April 1940, Singh was formally charged with the murder of Michael O'Dwyer. While awaiting trial in Brixton Prison, Singh went on a 42-day hunger strike and had to be forcibly fed. On 4 June 1940, his trial commenced at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, before Justice Atkinson, with V.K. Krishna Menon and St. John Hutchison representing him. When asked about his motivation, Singh explained:
Wide view of Jallianwala Bagh memorial
I did it because I had a grudge against him. He deserved it. He was the real culprit. He wanted to crush the spirit of my people, so I have crushed him. For full 21 years, I have been trying to wreak vengeance. I am happy that I have done the job. I am not scared of death. I am dying for my country. I have seen my people starving in India under the British rule. I have protested against this, it was my duty. What a greater honour could be bestowed on me than death for the sake of my motherland? [9][verification needed]
Singh was convicted and sentenced to death. On 31 July 1940, Singh was hanged at Pentonville Prison. His remains are preserved at the Jallianwala Bhag in Amritsar, Punjab.
Many Indians regarded Singh's action as justified and an important step in India's struggle to end British colonial rule.[verification needed]
In press statements, Mahatma Gandhi condemned the 10 Caxton Hall shooting saying, "the outrage has caused me deep pain. I regard it as an act of insanity...I hope this will not be allowed to affect political judgement."[10] The Hindustan Socialist Republican Army condemned Mahatma Gandhi's statement, considering it to be a challenge to the Indian Youths.[11]
Pt Jawaharlal Nehru wrote in The National Herald, "[The] assassination is regretted but it is earnestly hoped that it will not have far-reaching repercussions on [the] political future of India."[12] In its 18 March 1940 issue, Amrita Bazar Patrika wrote, "O'Dwyer's name is connected with Punjab incidents which India will never forget".[13]
The Punjab section of Congress in the Punjab Assembly led by Dewan Chaman Lal refused to vote for the Premier's motion to condemn the assassination.[14]
In April 1940, at the Annual Session of the All India Congress Committee held in commemoration of 21st anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, the youth wing of the Indian National Congress Party displayed revolutionary slogans in support of Singh, applauding his action as patriotic and heroic.[15]
Singh had some support from the international press. The Times of London called him a "fighter for freedom", his actions "an expression of the pent-up fury of the downtrodden Indian people."[16] Bergeret from Rome praised Singh's action as courageous.[17] In March 1940, Indian National Congress leader Jawahar Lal Nehru, condemned the action of Singh as senseless. In 1962, Nehru reversed his stance and applauded Singh with the following published statement: "I salute Shaheed-i-Azam Udham Singh with reverence who had kissed the noose so that we may be free."[14]
In 1974, Singh's remains were exhumed and repatriated to India at the request of MLA Sadhu Singh Thind. Thind accompanied the remains back to India, where the casket was received by Indira Gandhi, Shankar Dayal Sharma and Zail Singh. Udham Singh was later cremated in his birthplace of Sunam in Punjab and his ashes were scattered in the Sutlej river. Some part of his ashes are kept in sealed urn at Jallianwala Bagh as well.
A charity dedicated to Singh operates on Soho Road, Birmingham.
A museum dedicated to Singh is located in Amritsar, near Jallianwala Bagh.
Singh's weapon, a knife, his diary, and a bullet from the shooting are kept in the Black Museum of Scotland Yard.
Singh has been the subject of a number of films: Jallian Wala Bagh (1977), Shaheed Uddham Singh (1977), and Shaheed Uddham Singh (2000).
Udham Singh Nagar district in Uttarakhand is named after Singh.
Singh is the subject of the 1998 track "Assassin" by Asian Dub Foundation.
Shaheed Udham Singh Chowk in Anupgarh
The day of his death is a public holiday in Punjab.[18] and Haryana.[19]
Singh is the subject of the 2015 music video and track "Frank Brazil" by The Ska Vengers.[20]
सरदार उधम सिंह (26 दिसम्बर 1899 से 31 जुलाई 1940) का नाम भारत की आज़ादी की लड़ाई में पंजाब के क्रान्तिकारी के रूप में दर्ज है। उन्होंने जलियांवाला बाग कांड के समय पंजाब के गर्वनर जनरल रहे माइकल ओ' ड्वायर (en:Sir Michael Francis O'Dwyer) को लन्दन में जाकर गोली मारी।[1] कई इतिहासकारों का मानना है कि यह हत्याकाण्ड ओ' ड्वायर व अन्य ब्रिटिश अधिकारियों का एक सुनियोजित षड्यंत्र था, जो पंजाब पर नियंत्रण बनाए रखने के लिए पंजाबियों को डराने के उद्देश्य से किया गया था। यही नहीं, ओ' ड्वायर बाद में भी जनरल डायर के समर्थन से पीछे नहीं हटा था।[2][3][4]
उधम सिंह
Udham Singh taken away from Taxon Hall.jpg
जन्म 26 दिसम्बर 1899
सुनाम, पंजाब, ब्रिटिश भारत
मृत्यु 31 जुलाई 1940 (उम्र 40)
पेंटोविले जेल, यूनाइटेड किंगडम
अन्य नाम राम मोहम्मद सिंह आजाद
संगठन गदर पार्टी, हिंदुस्तान सोशलिस्ट रिपब्लिकन एसोसिएशन, भारतीय श्रमिक संघ
आंदोलन भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम
धार्मिक मान्यता सिख
Udham Singh taken away from Taxon Hall.jpg
मिलते जुलते नाम के कारण यह एक आम धारणा है कि उधम सिंह ने जालियाँवाला बाग हत्याकांड के उत्तरदायी जनरल डायर (पूरा नाम - रेजिनाल्ड एडवार्ड हैरी डायर, Reginald Edward Harry Dyer) को मारा था, लेकिन इतिहासकारों का मानना है कि प्रशासक ओ' ड्वायर जहां उधम सिंह की गोली से मरा (सन् १९४०), वहीं गोलीबारी को अंजाम देने वाला जनरल डायर १९२७ में पक्षाघात तथा कई तरह की बीमारियों से ग्रसित होकर मरा।
उत्तर भारतीय राज्य उत्तराखण्ड के एक ज़िले का नाम भी इनके नाम पर उधम सिंह नगर रखा गया है।
जीवन वृत्तसंपादित करें
उधम सिंह का जन्म 26 दिसम्बर 1899 को पंजाब के संगरूर जिले के सुनाम गाँव में काम्बोज परिवार में हुआ था। सन 1901 में उधमसिंह की माता और 1907 में उनके पिता का निधन हो गया। इस घटना के चलते उन्हें अपने बड़े भाई के साथ अमृतसर के एक अनाथालय में शरण लेनी पड़ी। उधमसिंह का बचपन का नाम शेर सिंह और उनके भाई का नाम मुक्तासिंह था जिन्हें अनाथालय में क्रमश: उधमसिंह और साधुसिंह के रूप में नए नाम मिले। इतिहासकार मालती मलिक के अनुसार उधमसिंह देश में सर्वधर्म समभाव के प्रतीक थे और इसीलिए उन्होंने अपना नाम बदलकर राम मोहम्मद सिंह आजाद रख लिया था जो भारत के तीन प्रमुख धर्मों का प्रतीक है।
अनाथालय में उधमसिंह की जिन्दगी चल ही रही थी कि 1917 में उनके बड़े भाई का भी देहांत हो गया। वह पूरी तरह अनाथ हो गए। 1919 में उन्होंने अनाथालय छोड़ दिया और क्रांतिकारियों के साथ मिलकर आजादी की लड़ाई में शमिल हो गए। उधमसिंह अनाथ हो गए थे, लेकिन इसके बावजूद वह विचलित नहीं हुए और देश की आजादी तथा डायर को मारने की अपनी प्रतिज्ञा को पूरा करने के लिए लगातार काम करते रहे।
माइकल ओ'ड्वायर की गोली मारकर हत्यासंपादित करें
उधमसिंह १३ अप्रैल १९१९ को घटित जालियाँवाला बाग नरसंहार के प्रत्यक्षदर्शी थे। राजनीतिक कारणों से जलियाँवाला बाग में मारे गए लोगों की सही संख्या कभी सामने नहीं आ पाई। इस घटना से वीर उधमसिंह तिलमिला गए और उन्होंने जलियाँवाला बाग की मिट्टी हाथ में लेकर माइकल ओ डायर को सबक सिखाने की प्रतिज्ञा ले ली। अपने मिशन को अंजाम देने के लिए उधम सिंह ने विभिन्न नामों से अफ्रीका, नैरोबी, ब्राजील और अमेरिका की यात्रा की। सन् 1934 में उधम सिंह लंदन पहुंचे और वहां 9, एल्डर स्ट्रीट कमर्शियल रोड पर रहने लगे। वहां उन्होंने यात्रा के उद्देश्य से एक कार खरीदी और साथ में अपना मिशन पूरा करने के लिए छह गोलियों वाली एक रिवाल्वर भी खरीद ली। भारत का यह वीर क्रांतिकारी माइकल ओ डायर को ठिकाने लगाने के लिए उचित वक्त का इंतजार करने लगा।
उधम सिंह को अपने सैकड़ों भाई-बहनों की मौत का बदला लेने का मौका 1940 में मिला। जलियांवाला बाग हत्याकांड के 21 साल बाद 13 मार्च 1940 को रायल सेंट्रल एशियन सोसायटी की लंदन के काक्सटन हाल में बैठक थी जहां माइकल ओ डायर भी वक्ताओं में से एक था। उधम सिंह उस दिन समय से ही बैठक स्थल पर पहुंच गए। अपनी रिवॉल्वर उन्होंने एक मोटी किताब में छिपा ली। इसके लिए उन्होंने किताब के पृष्ठों को रिवॉल्वर के आकार में उस तरह से काट लिया था, जिससे डायर की जान लेने वाला हथियार आसानी से छिपाया जा सके।
बैठक के बाद दीवार के पीछे से मोर्चा संभालते हुए उधम सिंह ने माइकल ओ डायर पर गोलियां दाग दीं। दो गोलियां माइकल ओ डायर को लगीं जिससे उसकी तत्काल मौत हो गई। उधम सिंह ने वहां से भागने की कोशिश नहीं की और अपनी गिरफ्तारी दे दी। उन पर मुकदमा चला। 4 जून 1940 को उधम सिंह को हत्या का दोषी ठहराया गया और 31 जुलाई 1940 को उन्हें पेंटनविले जेल में फांसी दे दी गई।
Udham Singh
"Shaheed Uddham Singh" redirects here. For the 2000 film, see Shaheed Uddham Singh (film).
Udham Singh (26 December 1899 – 31 July 1940) was an Indian revolutionary best known for assassinating Sir Michael O'Dwyer, the former Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab in British India, on 13 March 1940. The assassination has been described as an avenging of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Amritsar in 1919.[1] Udham Singh is a well-known figure of the Indian independence movement. He is sometimes referred to as Shaheed-i-Azam Sardar Udham Singh (the expression "Shaheed-i-Azam," Urdu: شهید اعظم, means "the great martyr"). A district (Udham Singh Nagar) of Uttarakhand was named after him in October 1995 by the Mayawati government.[2]
Shaheed Udham Singh
Born 26 December 1899
Sunam, Punjab, British India
Died 31 July 1940 (aged 41)
Pentonville Prison, United Kingdom
Organization Ghadar Party, Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, Indian Workers' Association
Movement Indian independence movement
Early life:
Shaheed Udham Singh was born as Sher Singh on 26 March 1899, at Sunam in the Sangrur district of Punjab, India, to a kamboj family. His father, Sardar Tehal Singh, was a railway crossing watchman in the village of Upalli.
After his father's death, Singh and his elder brother, Mukta Singh, were taken in by the Central Khalsa Orphanage Putlighar in Amritsar. At the orphanage, Singh was administered the Sikh initiatory rites and received the name of Udham Singh. He passed his matriculation examination in 1918 and left the orphanage in 1919.
Massacre at Jallianwala Bagh:
On 10 April 1919, a number of local leaders allied to the Indian National Congress including Satya Pal and Saifuddin Kitchlew were arrested under the Rowlatt Act. Protestors against the arrests were fired on by British troops, precipitating a riot during which British banks were burned and four Europeans were killed. On 13 April, over twenty thousand unarmed protestors were assembled in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar. Singh and his friends from the orphanage were serving water to the crowd.[3][verification needed]
Troops were dispatched to restore order after the riots, under the command of Brigadier-General Reginald Dyer. Dyer ordered his troops to fire without warning on the assembled crowd in Jallianwala Bagh. Since the only exit was barred by soldiers, people tried to escape by climbing the park walls or jumping into a well for protection. An estimated 1500 people were killed and over 1,200 were wounded[4] although that has been debated.[3][verification needed][1]
Singh was deeply affected by the event. The governor of Punjab, Michael O'Dwyer, had supported the massacre, and Singh held him responsible.[3][verification needed]
Revolutionary politics:
Singh became involved in revolutionary politics and was deeply influenced by Bhagat Singh and his revolutionary group.[5] In 1924, Singh became involved with the Ghadar Party, organizing Indians overseas towards overthrowing colonial rule. In 1927, he returned to India on orders from Bhagat Singh, bringing 25 associates as well as revolvers and ammunition. Soon after, he was arrested for possession of unlicensed arms. Revolvers, ammunition, and copies of a prohibited Ghadar Party paper called "Ghadr-i-Gunj" ("Voice of Revolt") were confiscated. He was prosecuted and sentenced to five years in prison.
Upon his release from prison in 1931, Singh's movements were under constant surveillance by the Punjab police. He made his way to Kashmir, where he was able to evade the police and escape to Germany. In 1934, Singh reached London, where he planned to assassinate Michael O'Dwyer.[6][7][verification needed]
Shooting in Caxton Hall:
On 13 March 1940, Michael O'Dwyer was scheduled to speak at a joint meeting of the East India Association and the Central Asian Society (now Royal Society for Asian Affairs) at Caxton Hall, London. Singh concealed his revolver in his jacket pocket (which he received from Puran Singh Boughan from Malsian, Punjab), entered the hall, and found an open seat. As the meeting concluded, Singh shot O'Dwyer twice as he moved towards the speaking platform, killing him immediately. Others hurt in the shooting include Louis Dane, Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Marquess of Zetland, and Charles Cochrane-Baillie, 2nd Baron Lamington. Singh did not attempt to flee and was arrested on site.[8][verification needed]
Trial and execution:
Singh (second from the left) being taken from 10 Caxton Hall after the assassination of Michael O'Dwyer
On 1 April 1940, Singh was formally charged with the murder of Michael O'Dwyer. While awaiting trial in Brixton Prison, Singh went on a 42-day hunger strike and had to be forcibly fed. On 4 June 1940, his trial commenced at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, before Justice Atkinson, with V.K. Krishna Menon and St. John Hutchison representing him. When asked about his motivation, Singh explained:
Wide view of Jallianwala Bagh memorial
I did it because I had a grudge against him. He deserved it. He was the real culprit. He wanted to crush the spirit of my people, so I have crushed him. For full 21 years, I have been trying to wreak vengeance. I am happy that I have done the job. I am not scared of death. I am dying for my country. I have seen my people starving in India under the British rule. I have protested against this, it was my duty. What a greater honour could be bestowed on me than death for the sake of my motherland? [9][verification needed]
Singh was convicted and sentenced to death. On 31 July 1940, Singh was hanged at Pentonville Prison. His remains are preserved at the Jallianwala Bhag in Amritsar, Punjab.
Many Indians regarded Singh's action as justified and an important step in India's struggle to end British colonial rule.[verification needed]
In press statements, Mahatma Gandhi condemned the 10 Caxton Hall shooting saying, "the outrage has caused me deep pain. I regard it as an act of insanity...I hope this will not be allowed to affect political judgement."[10] The Hindustan Socialist Republican Army condemned Mahatma Gandhi's statement, considering it to be a challenge to the Indian Youths.[11]
Pt Jawaharlal Nehru wrote in The National Herald, "[The] assassination is regretted but it is earnestly hoped that it will not have far-reaching repercussions on [the] political future of India."[12] In its 18 March 1940 issue, Amrita Bazar Patrika wrote, "O'Dwyer's name is connected with Punjab incidents which India will never forget".[13]
The Punjab section of Congress in the Punjab Assembly led by Dewan Chaman Lal refused to vote for the Premier's motion to condemn the assassination.[14]
In April 1940, at the Annual Session of the All India Congress Committee held in commemoration of 21st anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, the youth wing of the Indian National Congress Party displayed revolutionary slogans in support of Singh, applauding his action as patriotic and heroic.[15]
Singh had some support from the international press. The Times of London called him a "fighter for freedom", his actions "an expression of the pent-up fury of the downtrodden Indian people."[16] Bergeret from Rome praised Singh's action as courageous.[17] In March 1940, Indian National Congress leader Jawahar Lal Nehru, condemned the action of Singh as senseless. In 1962, Nehru reversed his stance and applauded Singh with the following published statement: "I salute Shaheed-i-Azam Udham Singh with reverence who had kissed the noose so that we may be free."[14]
In 1974, Singh's remains were exhumed and repatriated to India at the request of MLA Sadhu Singh Thind. Thind accompanied the remains back to India, where the casket was received by Indira Gandhi, Shankar Dayal Sharma and Zail Singh. Udham Singh was later cremated in his birthplace of Sunam in Punjab and his ashes were scattered in the Sutlej river. Some part of his ashes are kept in sealed urn at Jallianwala Bagh as well.
A charity dedicated to Singh operates on Soho Road, Birmingham.
A museum dedicated to Singh is located in Amritsar, near Jallianwala Bagh.
Singh's weapon, a knife, his diary, and a bullet from the shooting are kept in the Black Museum of Scotland Yard.
Singh has been the subject of a number of films: Jallian Wala Bagh (1977), Shaheed Uddham Singh (1977), and Shaheed Uddham Singh (2000).
Udham Singh Nagar district in Uttarakhand is named after Singh.
Singh is the subject of the 1998 track "Assassin" by Asian Dub Foundation.
Shaheed Udham Singh Chowk in Anupgarh
The day of his death is a public holiday in Punjab.[18] and Haryana.[19]
Singh is the subject of the 2015 music video and track "Frank Brazil" by The Ska Vengers.[20]
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